Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dichotomous Keys

Students completed creating dichotomous keys, according to the instructions on the hand-out.
Here is a web site that has an alternative lesson plan.  Print out lesson 5es: Creating and Using A Dichotomous Key. Print out Butterflies to Key. Print out Butterfly Key Worksheet. Print out Butterfly Key Flow Chart. http://oceanica.cofc.edu/LoggerheadLessons/IdentificationHome.htm

An example of a dichotomous key can be found on the following web page:
For another lesson on dichotomous keys, please see my previous post dated 01/20/07:
There is another lesson on dichotomous keys on this web site:
Here is another lesson on dichotomous keys:
This is a great link for identifying indian arrowheads - it uses a dichotomous key classification system:
Here is an interesting dichotomous key activity that also incorporates community service.  Free download:
This link has a very good picture example, created by students, of a dichotomous key of candy.

In updating my lessons, I have added to my curriculum and am teaching about dichotomous keys because modern classification includes phylogenetics and cladograms. There is an activity in this textbook:  SEPUP. (2011).Science and Global Issues: Biology. Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California at Berkeley.  Published by Lab-Aids, Inc., Ronkonkoma NY.  The activity is titled The Phylogeny of Vertebrates - Activity 7 pp. 454-458.  It takes students step-by-step through creating phylogenetic tree hypotheses.  If I find any other student activities, I will post them on this blog.
The previous activity in the textbook is an excellent background and introduction to classification.
Note 1
For those who are interested in the Tiktaalik, there is an activity in this textbook:  SEPUP. (2011).Science and Global Issues: Biology. Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California at Berkeley.  Published by Lab-Aids, Inc., Ronkonkoma NY.  The activity is Evidence from the Fossil Record - Activity 6 pp. 446-453.  Students explore transitional fossils in an portion of the activity titledStudying Fossils to Determine the Origin of Tetrapods.  The Tiklaalik is one of the transitional fossils presented in the activity.  The videos listed above enhance interest in this activity.
There is also a 2011 episode of Mysteries at the Museum travel channel show where near the end of the episode, information is presented about the importance of the Tiktaalik fossil and it is explained that the fossil is housed at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, PA.http://www.travelchannel.com/shows/mysteries-at-the-museum/travel-guides/outlaw-shoes-and-astrochimp-travel-guide   It looks like the video would be on Disc 2 of Season 2 of the show that can be purchased from Amazon.com.  The episode is titled Outlaw Shoes, Astrochimp, and Message in a Bottle.  I have not purchased the video and am not 100% certain that it is on the CD.  If anyone reading this blog knows how to obtain the Mysteries at the Museum, Tiktaalik video or a video clip, please leave a comment.  

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