Monday, January 08, 2018

Citizen Science Resources

I plan to update this post with information and resources for citizen science, so If you have interest in this topic, keep checking back to see if there are any updates, or let me know about a resource so that I can add it to this post.

If you would like to be a Citizen Scientist and participate in our bird watching project, you can register at and submit your observations.  We have a birding hotspot here at Middletown High and you can watch birds at the pond and submit your observations to the Middletown High School Pond birding hotspot:   Check it out!

When exploring citizen science projects, students may wish to learn how to present what they have learned in the form of a scientific poster.  Examples and guidance may be found here:

This issue of The Science Teacher focuses on Citizen Science with descriptions of how to use resources and has a framework of the science standards addressed.
The Science Teacher. 2019. January. Volume 86 Number 5 pp. 40-47   

California Academy of Sciences Citizen Science Toolkit:

Citizen Science @NASA

Citizen Science - an official site of the United States Government

The California of Sciences Long-Term Monitoring Program and Experiential Training for Students

Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program

Citizen Science Soil Collection Program - University of Oklahoma's Natural Products Discovery Group

Citizen Science News About Zooniverse
Here's the website for Zooniverse so that Citizen Scientists can assist with numerous projects:
     Examples are Steller Sea Lion  

Capture Animal Photos for a Citizen Science Project

ScienceNews for Students (very helpful and comprehensive)

Citizen Science Video about Participation in Citizen Science, which Includes Resources to Projects
7 Simple Things That You Can Do To Help Birds

Explore evolution in action by contributing to the gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) squirrel mapper citizen science project website

Project eTrout is a citizen science program were all ages and levels can contribute to studying fish ecology in West Virginia's Shenandoah National Park, using virtual reality technology to count fish

A global website for recording and sharing observations of the natural world.

The Community  Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network
Anytime rain, hail, or snow occurs in your area, you can report precipitation data to share with meteorologists.  

Instant Wild Osa Camera Trap Network in Costa Rica
Participants from around the world are invited to help identify and monitor wild cats as well as their prey.  This includes other wild mammals and endangered species.  An Instant Wild project in collaboration with National Geographic.

The Zooniverse is a website that has over 50 citizen science projects available to everyone who would like to take part in real science research. This includes citizen science projects that involve wildlife-camera studies.

Explore and learn biology concepts, and search for some citizen science projects that are available here:

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